@DarkhaxDev is a crook, where is my CurseForge Limited Edition TShirt? It was said that anyone is allowed to participate in #SpookyJam 2022 but claimed I was banned from participating even though the rules never mentioned me.
@asbestosstar Yet they claim I was banned from participating with no evidence ground in the rules, banned team mates, banned people who use #FeatureCreep , banned who knows who else, made false claims about me, and more. There was no reason to believe that I was banned from the event itself.
@asbestosstar I was banned from the discord (even though I hadn’t said anything in the discord) for outside nonsense, but there was no proof of ban from the actual event itself, discord and event are not the same thing. #SpookyJam2022 #SpookyJam22 #minecraftmodding
@asbestosstar If anyone has an extra (I don’t want to take someone’s only one) #minecraft SpookyJam 2022 #curseforge limited edition TShirts I would be happy to buy it for a reasonable price.