We turned on yjit in production today and the results feel impossible.
20-40% reduction in request times, with much less variability than we were seeing before.
This is incredible.
Between last week (Ruby 3.0) and this week (Ruby 3.2+yjit), our request times have been cut _in half_.
@mcphat that’s great. Is this a rails app or some other framework?
@mcphat neat! have you tried 3.2 with and without YJIT (I’m curious if the bump is more about 3.2 or YJIT)
@Schneems Yep — we went 3.0 -> 3.2 (no jit) and let that run for a few days. That was a 20-30% performance improvement.
Then we turned on YJIT and got an _additional_ 20-40% boost on top.