Released today 6th December 1970 "Christine Perfect"
Released today 6th December 1970 "Christine Perfect"
Il y a 47 ans, le 4 février 1977, #FleetwoodMac sortait l'album "Rumours", le 11eme de la formation.
C’est un des dix albums les plus vendus au monde, plus de 40 millions d’unités, et 7eme au classement des meilleurs albums de tout les temps.
La version de Songbird de #ChristineMcVie, fut enregistré dans l'auditorium de l'université de Berkeley.
Cet album est dans mon panthéon musical depuis sa sortie, et que ma mère l’a déposé sur la platine en cette fin d’hiver 77. Un Chef d’œuvre.
Bittersweet to see and hear Christine McVie on this just released version of 'You Make Loving Fun' #music #FleetwoodMac #ChristineMcVie
A new packed episode of Only A Podcast has just been released. Find it here:
In this episode we discuss (amongst other things):
#BrianCox and #RobinInce in #Dunedin @profbriancox
Sad about Christine McVie. Although post--Peter Green Fleetwood Mac wasn't and isn't really my thing, they were ubiquitous in 70s music. RIP.
#Music #FleetwoodMac #ChristineMcvie
Listening to Rumours on the commute this morning. #ChristineMcVie #FleetwoodMac
The town I live in has about 11,000 PG&E customers with no electricity. I am one of them. Stove, microwave, oven, fridge, heater are all electric. I have not eaten the cold dinner available in the dark fridge and am just sitting here in the dark drinking and watching Fleet Mac videos until my battery runs out. #FleetwoodMac #christinemcvie
I still love this tune. #FleetwoodMac #christinemcvie #rip #tusk
This is a find via #openculture - of a 1975 #fleetwoodmac concert in New Jersey. It’s the introduction, more or less, to Buckingham Nicks as new members of the band, but it opens with some rare early footage of terrific playing and singing from #christinemcvie
Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun Live - Christine McVie lead vocals and song writer #RIP #christinemcvie #christineperfect #FleetwoodMac
11-30-22 Nicole Sandler Show – Jeff Sharlet’s Wisconsin Death Trip
Download here or click below to play, (or watch the video at the bottom of the page!)
The trial of five members of the Oath Keepers wrapped up yesterday with guilty verdicts, including on the harshest charge of seditious conspiracy for the group's leader and one other. It's the perfect preface for today's guest and the
#Nicole'sBlog #ChristineMcVie #civilwar #JeffSharlet
@asrivkin A sad loss. She was a powerful musical anchor through so many of the Mac lineups, and a gorgeous songwriter. #fleetwoodmac #christinemcvie
It's a bummer to see #christinemcvie trending.
“They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing, and a second time when somebody says your name for the last time” -- Banksy.
If that's the case then Christine McVie is immortal. #RIP #ChristineMcVie and thanks for all the music