One day, one decomposition
A205511: Lesser of the n-th pair of Hamming twin primes
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
One day, one decomposition
A205511: Lesser of the n-th pair of Hamming twin primes
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
One day, one decomposition
A205302: Greater of Hamming's twin primes
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
#ITByte: A #Digital #Twin is a digital representation of an intended or actual real-world physical product, system, or process (a physical twin) that serves as the effectively indistinguishable digital counterpart of it for practical purposes, such as simulation, integration, testing, monitoring, and maintenance.
#twin : one of two produced at a birth, especially by an animal that ordinarily brings forth but one at a birth
- French: Jumeau ou jumelle
- German: der Zwilling
- Italian: gemello
- Portuguese: gêmeo
- Spanish: gemelo, gemela
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One day, one decomposition
A111046: Difference between squares of twin prime pairs
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms #Renault5’s supercharged twin has descended on #MAISON5. discover #R5Turbo3E’s new livery. #descended #Discover #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #livery #MAISON5 #R5Turbo3Es #renault #RenaultUK #Renault5s #Supercharged #Twin Honda’s True Adventure Tour: Ft. the Honda Transalp & Africa Twin #Adventure #Africa #ElectricCars #ElectricVehicles #EV #Honda #HondaPowersports #HondaPowersportsU.S. #hondas #tour #TRANSALP #True #Twin
One day, one decomposition
A088485: Numbers n such that n^2+n-1 and n^2+n+1 are twin primes
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
One day, one decomposition
A088483: Primes p such that p^2+p-1 and p^2+p+1 are twin primes
3D graph, threejs - webGL
2D graph, first 500 terms
#AfricanArt #twins #twin #oilpainting or #artprint
Painting of the Day. Born-House Twin
> >
At the link, Angu explains the traditional #Cameroon celebration that follows a birth including special foods and palm wine.
#MNastodon #Twin Cities Happy Mothers Day or anything else you may be celebrating! We’re set up at Dancing Bear Chocolate in #Minneapolis at 44th and Thomas from 9-2 today! Come see us!
In December 2002, a joint Senate-House intelligence committee published its findings on the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which included evidence of possible #links between the government of #Saudi #Arabia and some of the 15 Saudis involved in the bombings of the #Pentagon and #Twin #Towers that cost nearly 3,000 American lives.
For national security reasons, the 28 pages detailing that information were never published.
But they may be shortly and revive yet another intense examination of alleged Saudi support for anti-American terrorism.
The famous #missing #pages, if now declassified, will likely put the former Saudi ambassador to Washington, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and his wife, Haifa, back in the limelight.
One #Twin Was Hurt, the Other Was Not. Their Adult #MentalHealth Diverged.
A study of 25,252 adult "discordant twins,” in which only one suffered #abuse or #neglect, published in JAMA #Psychiatry, found those who reported one or more trauma in childhood — physical or emotional neglect or abuse, rape, sexual abuse, hate crimes or witnessing domestic violence — were 2.4 times as likely to be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness as those who did not.
No Inductors Needed for This Simple, Clean Twin-Tee Oscillator - If there’s one thing that amateur radio operators are passionate about, it’s the s... - #oscillator #mischacks #hardware #feedback #twin-tee #mcp6002 #filter #op-amp #notch #rc
It seemed like a good idea at the time: 9 car designs that went nowhere - Enlarge (credit: Michael Reinhard | Getty Images)
Ford Motor C... - #cadillacfleetwood #coal-poweredcar #twin-enginecar #amphibiouscar #badinventions #floatingcar #carhistory #cartercar #flyingcar #fordedsel #features #steamcar #catboat #citroen #coalcar #bigcar #cars
Alone, the soul wanders, a solitary sprite,
In the vast expanse of day and night,
Like a solitary star in the twilight's gleam,
Aching for connection, like a lost sail at sea,
Seeking a kindred spirit, a twin that's meant to be.
Yearning for a mirrored soul, a kindred heart,
To dance in tandem, never to be torn apart,
A symphony of echoes, intertwining in grace,
To find in twinship, a sacred, hallowed space.
New instance, new #introduction! I'm a longtime web geek currently embedded at #MathWorks. I used to have a career fork in #athletics writing (I started out on the #RunnersWorld website) and was published in #RunningTimes, #WorldAthletics, and numerous other outlets; I was credentialed media at two #Olympics and six #WorldChampionships. I have #twin daughters and appreciate #cats, #books, and #crochet; I have a garden where the most successful planting is catnip.
Devendra Banhart hat ein neues Album angekündigt. Und die erste Single lässt vermuten, dass es ganz anders weitergeht, als bisher.
#CateLeBon #DevendraBanhart #NeueMusik #Popfilter #Twin #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#twin : one of two produced at a birth, especially by an animal that ordinarily brings forth but one at a birth
- French: Jumeau ou jumelle
- German: der Zwilling
- Italian: gemello
- Portuguese: gêmeo
- Spanish: gemelo
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