In an interesting turn of events,, which comes as the first result for every RSpec-related search, is down since a couple of days. Many people thought it's official RSpec documentation.
Probably related to this:
[edit: apparently not related -]
Sourced from this Reddit thread:
@katafrakt yes this is not good. I hope someone from @smartbear will look at it. Otherwise we are good to rush to write an alternative.
@benoit @katafrakt two days ago @mattwynne said it was just a bad timing (coincidence):
@esparta @katafrakt @mattwynne yes but sadly he is not there anymore to solve it.
@benoit @mattwynne ohh yeah, that's for sure. I meant my post as a direct response to the "probably related" part of @katafrakt post - sorry.
@esparta updated the post, thanks. Although I agree that the fact that it's still down seems related.
@benoit @mattwynne
I wrote up some more context here
I'm sorry things are like this. I've written to some senior folks at SmartBear to ask if they'll intervene.
@mattwynne Thanks a lot Matt. I started working on an alternative if relishapp does not reappear.
Don't be sorry it is not your fault. You did already so much for open source.
@mattwynne @katafrakt @esparta @benoit Fingers crossed. Sorry to hear about what happened at Smart Bear. My company would love to sponsor hosting for Relish if you're able to get the IP released
@andrewle @katafrakt @esparta @benoit that’s great to hear. We have a meeting with them on Tuesday. I’ll keep you posted.
@mattwynne Hello. Do you have any updates on this? Thanks :)
@benoit I spoke to them today. Their legal people have never open sourced anything before, bless them. I sent a very simple guide and a copy of the MIT license.
@mattwynne thanks a lot
@katafrakt Several rspec GitHub projects link to relishapp. So it is supposed to be at least an official part of the documentation.
@katafrakt This isn't just a folk belief: relishapp is a prominent link at
@katafrakt > Many people thought it's official RSpec documentation.
Whatever could have given them that idea?